Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Glazed Watercolor Tiles Envelope (Tutorial by thepostmansknock)

I found this tutorial by Lindsey over at thepostmansknock while looking for envelope / mail art. Here is the link to the tutorial:

Glazed Watercolor Tiles Mail Art Tutorial

Things I used:

  • Embellished Tiles Printable (It is free!)
  • Standard C5 envelope
  • Light source
  • Eraser
  • Mechanical pencil size 0,7
  • Pigment liner size 0,05 
  • Aquarelle colours
  • Artline 400 XF Paint Marker (White)

I loved the look of the tiles so I decided to give it a try, with a few modifications. I don't own any microglaze and I don't have any white ink, so I used the white marker instead.

I used a standard C5 envelope and sketched the printed pattern on it with the help of my lightpad (you can use a bright window or a bright screen, just be careful when doing so). I had to move the pattern to cover the entire envelope. 

I also covered the flap with the pattern, so the back of the envelope will have decoration as well.

When that was done, I used a pigment liner size 0,05 for the line art. Then I painted the pattern with aquarelle colours, I tried to use colours as close to Lindseys as possible but of course you can use whatever you want; pens, markers, ink and so on. 

For the highlights, instead of using white ink like Lindsey, I used a Artline 400 XF Paint Marker. It gives the highlights a sheen!

For me, it was a labour intensive envelope that I created over 2 days. But I think it was worth it 🙂 It looks super good! Thank you for the tutorial and the pattern, Lindsey!

Started the pattern

Pattern done!

Pigment liner / Fine liner

Pigment liner done!

Finally started the painting!

Artline 400 XF Paint Marker

Done! <3

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Paperblanks size guide / Paperblanks storleksguide

Guiden pÄ Svenska finns lÀngre ner i inlÀgget!

Paperblanks size / format guide

Paperblanks have 7 (+3) sizes: Micro, Mini Reporter, Mini, Midi, Slim, Ultra and Grande. In addition to the 7 sizes mentioned; Midi, Slim and Mini have variants with rounded corners which alters the size somewhat. That is why +3 in parentheses. Below are the sizes in inches.

1. Grande: 8¼ x 11¾" 

2. Ultra: 7 x 9"

3. Midi (square corners): 5 x 7"

4. Midi (round corners): 4¾ x 6¾"

5. Slim (square corners): 3¾ x 7"

6. Slim (round corners): 3½ x 7"

7. Mini (square corners): 4 x 5½"

8. Mini (round corners): 3¾ x 5½"

9. Mini Reporter: 3¾ x 5½"

10. Micro: 2¾ x 3½"

Paperblank journals vary in line number depending on size. I could not find any information about the Micro size. If I do, I will update the list:

Mini: 19
Midi: 21
Slim: 24
Ultra: 25
Grande: 34

Storleksguide Paperblanks anteckningsböcker

Paperblanks har 7 (+3) storlekar: Micro, Mini Reporter, Mini, Midi, Slim, Ultra och Grande. Men vad betyder det? Nedan försöker jag förklara storlekarna.

Först sÄ ska jag förklara A-storlekarna som finns av papper. Den storlek som de flesta Àr bekanta med Àr A4, samma storlek som ett vanligt kopieringspapper. Om man viker ett A4-ark pÄ mitten sÄ fÄr man 2 stycken A5-ark. Om man viker ett A5-ark pÄ mitten sÄ fÄr man 2 stycken A6-ark och sÄ vidare.

1. Grande Àr A4 storlek.

2. Ultra Àr mindre Àn A4 men större Àn A5.

3. Midi Àr mindre Àn A5 men större Àn A6.

4. Slim Àr lite smalare Àn A6 men lika breda som Midi böckerna.

5. Mini Àr lite mindre Àn A6.

6. Reporter Àr samma som Mini, men i klassisk "reporter" stil som blÀddras pÄ vertikalen.

7. Micro Àr lite mindre Àn A7.

Förutom de 7 storlekarna som stÄr ovan, sÄ finns Midi, Slim och Mini med runda hörn som Àndrar storleken nÄgot. DÀrför stÄr +3 inom parentes.

1. Grande: 210 x 300 mm

2. Ultra: 180 x 230 mm

3. Midi (kantiga hörn): 130 x 180 mm

4. Midi (runda hörn): 120 x 170 mm

5. Slim (kantiga hörn): 95 x 180 mm

6. Slim (runda hörn): 90 x 180 mm

7. Mini (kantiga hörn): 100 x 140 mm

8. Mini (runda hörn): 95 x 140 mm

9. Mini Reporter: 95 x 140 mm

10. Micro: 70 x 90 mm

Storleken bestÀmmer ocksÄ antalet rader med linjer i linjerade anteckningsböcker. Jag hittade ingen information om Micro, men jag uppdaterar listan om jag gör det:

Mini: 19
Midi: 21
Slim: 24
Ultra: 25
Grande: 34

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Recension: Rusta 60-pack alkoholbaserade tuschpennor dubbelsidiga


NÀr jag sÄg dessa i Rustas annonsblad sÄ var jag tvungen att springa dit och köpa dem för att se hur kvalitén skulle vara.

Vid en första anblick sĂ„ ser det mycket lovande ut. 60 stycken alkoholbaserade tuchpennor, med en rund spets pĂ„ ena sidan och en snedskuren spets pĂ„ andra (den runda spetsen ger en linjebredd pĂ„ 2–3 mm och den snedskurna spetsen pĂ„ 2x6 mm). Man fĂ„r ocksĂ„ en praktisk förvaringslĂ„da med handtag i plast.

För 199kr sÄ blir priset 3,32kr per penna.

PÄ PenStore fÄr man 5st Promarkers frÄn Winsor & Newton för samma pris

Eller 2st markers frÄn Copic


Jag gjorde först en sida med test för att se hur fÀrgerna sÄg ut. Jag skulle rekommendera att göra detta dÄ fÀrgerna pÄ locket inte matchar superbra till den faktiska fÀrgen.

Jag tycker inte att variationen av fÀrger Àr speciellt bred, eller kanske jag ska sÀga att skillnaden mellan vissa nyanser inte Àr tillrÀckligt tydliga för min smak. Jag upplever att det Àr mÄnga nyanser som Àr vÀldigt snarlika. Till exempel Prussian Blue, Cobalt Blue och Napoleon Blue.

Kan vara bra att nĂ€mna att ingen slags blender penna följer med. 


Jag provade fĂ€rglĂ€gga en sida i min mĂ„larbok. Jag upplevde att tĂ€ckgraden inte var sĂ„ hög pĂ„ fĂ€rgerna, ett exempel nedan Ă€r löven som blev lite "flĂ€ckiga". Men det kan vara för att pappret i boken inte Ă€r gjort för den hĂ€r sortens pennor. 

Jag provade göra lite gradient pÄ foten av svamparna och jag tyckte att det blev fint! Provade 4 olika fÀrger.

HÀr Àr hela sidan (nÄgot beskuren). Om du vill se nÀrmare, högerclicka och vÀlj "öppna i ny tab" eller "öppna i nytt fönster.

VĂ€rt det?

Absolut! Även om det kunde vara mer variation pĂ„ nyanserna och tĂ€ckgraden kunde vara högre.

Vet du inte om alkoholbaserad tusch Àr nÄgot för dig sÄ Àr det ett extremt bra budgetalternativ att börja experimentera med.

Tack för att du lÀst min recension, skriv gÀrna vad du tycker om dessa pennor! :)

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

First letters sent out!

Here are two letters I recently sent out! The first one was sent to the UK and the second one to Finland!

UK Mail:

Finland mail:

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Games to play with a penpal, envelope games

You might have read my list of envelope gifts (can be found HERE). In it I mentioned it sending a crossword to your friend, and that got me inspired to come up with other activities you can do with your penpal :).

With all of the activities on this list it is up to you and your pal to decide the guidelines, like how much to write or paint, before sending it back.


If you speak the same language. Otherwise you can make your own! Solve one clue at a time, do it 50/50 or however you like.

Paint a picture

Use a page from a colouring book for lighter envelopes or thin paint-by-number calvas if you don't mind a bit more weight. 

Story time

Start writing a story on a piece of paper, then fold it so it cant be read, leaving one word on a new line for your pal to continue. Good starting points for a new sentence is "And", "But", "The..." etc. Then write THE END somewhere on the paper before sending it off! Enjoy your story!

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

3 super easy ways to instantly turn a notebook page into custom-made stationery!

Since I have been on a bit of a hand writing binge lately because of my two penpals, my mind have been trying to come up with ways to decorate and embelish the paper I am writing on. And since I am a fan of recycle, diy and use-what-you-have-at-hand, I have come up with three super easy ways to "dress up" a normal notebook page :)

Drawing in the margins

This one is simple, just draw things in the margins or the paper. I used green and pink highlighter pens to draw some hearts. Descreet and quite pretty. This could have been made in black pen or graphite pencil as well.


I used some brush-tipped felt pens to draw circles of different colours and sizes, but not only in the margins, I extended it too the top and bottom too. You could continue along the outer edge too, creating a frame for the letter! 

Washi tape

Take some Washi tape (or other pretty tape) and put it along the line of the margin. You can extend it out on the page however you like.

I hope you liked these three tips. BOOM! Instant stationery :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Flat things to send to a penpal in an envelope, envelope gifts


Recently I got two penpals, one in the UK and one in the USA. You might not know this about me, but I suffer from anxiety, panic attacks and depression. I also LOVE statinery (notebooks in particular, but more about that later). I tought that having a penpal, writing physical letters, would be a nice break in my every day life.

I found my penpals by posting a photo and with a short introduction in the Facebook Group "Worldwide Snail Mail Pen Pals". I got some replies and picked two of them that wrote a bit about themselves and had a few things in common with me.

And then, of course, I started wondering what to send with the letters. Preferably it would be something flat and whit low weight. Here are some ideas. The green text are things that I have sent.

  • Teabag with your favourite tea (Twinings Apple, Cinnamon and Raisin thank you) 
  • Photo (I have an Instax mini 8 and sent a polaroid with the letter).
  • Pressed Flowers - Either loose in the envelope, in a bag or glued on the writing paper.
  • Bookmark - For best result use a piece of cardboard as the base (cereal box, scrapbooking paper, "normal" cardboard etc).
  • Crossword - If you use the same language you can send a cutout from a magazine. For a collaboration, you can start it and let your pal finish it Or you can make your own!
  • Paint a picture form a colouring book and send with the letter.
  • Drawing, doodles, etc.
  • Sticker
  • Stamps with animals, flowers, art etc - Local to your area / country that might be interesting for your pal to find out about.
  • Postcard with a local event, place, thing etc - Same as above, pretty much :)
  • A short playlist of your favourite songs, television series, books etc written on a separate piece of paper.
  • Ribbon
  • (Iron-On) Patches
  • Pins, buttons
  • Pencil with your pals name on it
  • Flat origami
  • Your favourite recipies, either cut / ripped from a magazine, cookbook or copied to a piece of paper

This list will update as I come up with more ideas, so please check back!