Thursday, December 3, 2009

Hurtful Greetings!

Had a very fun gym lession on school today. We were going to play some games with ballsports as a theme. It was fun and at the end we were going to play some handball where you had to jump when you recieved the ball or pass it to someone else, otherwise the other team were going to get the ball. It happened to bounce away and I ran all I had not to let the other team get the ball and my team yelled behind me to jump, so I did.

I did not land with a even footing, so my right knee twisted itself to the side and the pain did not let me wait. Our teacher helped me immediately and wrapped my knee so it wouldn't swell so much. The doctor said that it wasnt so serious, I only stretched the ligament in the knee, but I will be on crutches for a week. Happy Weekend =D

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